Monday, February 21, 2011

Things I forgot about 18 month olds

So Daniela is now 18 months old, which means she has officially gone from being a sweet, docile baby to being a wild, unruly toddler. Although she is my third child, I forgot about certain things that 18 month olds do (more like blocked it out of my memory- a coping strategy I'm sure). Here is a short list of some of her current obsessions.

1. The Bathroom. Everything in the bathroom. The toilet is number one of course. She sees it as her own personal kiddie pool. Why not put some toys in there and splash around? And then course try flushing those toys down the toilet. Daniela also likes climbing in and out of the bathtub, especially after someone has recently taken a shower, makes it more slippery. And let's not forget the toothbrushes. It's fun to put them all in your mouth and run around the house like that at full speed.

2. The climbing. Some kids walk around holding a teddy bear or blankie, Daniela prefers to drag around a kitchen chair, so she can hoist herself onto any surface too high for her to reach otherwise. We can no longer keep anything on our kitchen table, unless we hide all our chairs (which is incredibly annoying if you ever want to sit down) because Daniela will climb up there and have her way with it. Example, Mateo left a cup of water on the table the other day. As soon as she saw it, Daniela swung herself up there and yelled, "Wazz at?" She then proceeded to pour all the water out of the cup and run her hands through it. "Ohhhh!" she said, obviously pleasantly surprised, as getting wet is one of her favorite things. She then put her whole body into it and glided across the table on her belly like it was a slip and slide.

3. All things electronic. My cell phone. My laptop. The Wii. The DVD player. The DirectTV box. Anything with buttons that other people do not want her touching. She also likes to pull her chair up to ligh switches and turn them on, off, on, off, on, off...

4. The dog's food and water. The water holds the same appeal as the toilet. Splashing, slipping, sliding, getting the outfit I just put her in 5 minutes ago soaked, making as big a mess as possible. Daniela has an extensive wardrobe which she likes to make the best off. Often necesitating 3 or more outfit changes a day so she can show off all her clothing. No wonder I'm constantly doing laundry. And although she regularly refuses to eat her food, she is always up for a fist full of dog food.
5. The garbage can. Daniela loves putting things in the garbage can. So it is always wise now a days to check its contents before putting the bag at the curb. We have found, to mention a few things, toys, utensils, Mateo's shoes, and scariest of all my car key. Daniela also like to take things out of the garbage. Today she found a day old go-gurt that she tried to eat. Almost as tasty as dog food I bet.

Ahhh...and just as Nico is starting to calm down a little. Looks like the light at the end of the tunnel was the headlights of an oncoming train. No more sweet baby. Let's start counting down the days till kindergarten. Isn't that when everyone will calm down? Just agree with me, please. As Jack Nicholson famously said, I "can't handle the truth!"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The New Ride

Yes, at least I have one cool ride. Although the mini-van is very handy for transporting all my tri gear- I mean that's why I bought it right? Had nothing to do with my 3 kids :).

For those of you that know about bikes, you know exactly what I have and what an awesome upgrade it is for me. It is a Trek Madone 5.2. For those of you that don't know about bikes (you know, like me) I'll explain why it is so good. It is around 6-7 lbs ligher than my old aluminum frame one. Riding this bike up a climb reminds me of something Mateo said last summer, "A snail, it doesn't have legs, it just goes.". That's what this bike does. It just goes. It glides. I don't have to work! I just pedal and I'm up the hill. Amazing.

I know there are other awesome components to this bike that I don't understand (If you have questions, you can ask Mark or Glen. I'm sure they would be happy to elaborate). But for now, I'm in awe of its lighness and awesomeness. Bring on the triathlons!

I will leave you with a picture of how my house looked when I came back from one of my rides (photo at the top- can't seen to figure out how to get it to post at the bottom and not worth the effort). That's chocolate pudding all over Daniela's face. And Nico appears to be surfing the internet. Max is very supportive of my cycling, if not the best housekeeper :).